Our Services

Refinance Your Loan

What is refinancing?
When you refinance your loan, it will usually have an expiry date, typically 30 years. This doesn’t mean you are required to pay it off in that time. It means that you have the option to switch to another lender or renegotiate to pay less interest.
As the market is constantly changing, so does your home loan options. You should look at your options regularly to ensure you have the best deal. Using our services, this can be done quickly and effectively.
Key questions:
We will help you decide the best option from a range of lenders and products to choose from.
Refinancing options to consider are:
Interest rates
Extra repayments
Offset facility
Variable vs Fix rates
Branch Access
When switching Lenders, there will usually be costs involved so you need to consider if switching Lenders is worthwhile. Our team will be able to assist you and advised if the cost savings is worthwhile.

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